Food Safety Program
PCPH sanitarians are responsible for conducting plan reviews, complaint investigations and food safety assessments of food service establishments such as restaurants, grocery stores, school kitchens and caterers to assure food safety and prevent food-borne illness.
Our Food Safety Program promotes healthy people and healthy communities through education and regulation of food service establishments. In Preble County, there are over 200 licensed food establishments, including restaurants, convenience stores, coffee shops, concession trailers, food vending machines, temporary food sales at events, delis and grocery stores. Each of these establishments has owners, managers and employees who are expected to handle food safely to prevent disease and comply with state regulations. Our sanitarians inspect these establishments an average of twice a year and occasionally more if needed.
Starting a mobile, permanent, or temporary Food Service?
Start Below!
Food Service Operation/Retail Food Establishment Plan Review Guidelines (PDF)
Mobile Food Serve Plan Review Guidelines
Temporary Food Service Guidelines and Application **NOTE** Temporary applications need to be submitted at least 7 Days prior to event!
Vending Machine License Application
Food Service and Mobile License Application
Health Inspections that Stick!

In an effort to expand on our mission to Prevent, Promote, & Protect the public’s health in Preble County, the Preble County Public Health (PCPH) is launching a public awareness campaign that will inform both businesses and patrons that food service operations and PCGHD are working together to provide a clean and safe environment for the public to consume and purchase food.
After a standard health inspection at a restaurant, grocery store, or any place licensed in Preble County, PCPH will be distributing a brand new Health Inspection decal. This decal will be prominently displayed so that the public can easily see and recognize that a food service operation in Preble County is being inspected on a regular basis and meets the standards the Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code.
Along with recognizing efforts by local businesses, the intent of this ongoing campaign is to better educate the public on matters of food safety and help build confidence in consumers (You!) when dining or purchasing food at establishments found throughout Preble County.
Ohio Food Rules and Regulations
Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code OAC 3717 (Updated January 1, 2013)
Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-21 Food Service Operations
Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 901:3-4 Retail Food Establishments
Food Handler Training
Most food service workers have no formal food safety training prior to joining the food service industry. Assuring a competent workforce should be at the foundation of any organization's food-borne disease prevention strategy.
ServSafe Starters Course Online
Ohio has been approved by the Ohio Department of Health, ODH # 89-17, for food service operations and retail food establishments that need Level One training. This course has been modified to ensure that all employees that need Level One training will receive all of the modules that are in the course. Once they have successfully completed the course they will receive the approved Certificate of Completion.
Click Here to get started with ServSafe!
Food Service Complaint?
Even though we inspect food service operations regularly, the potential for food borne illness still exists. Food borne illness can range form mild flu like symptoms to severe nausea, cramping, diarrhea, and in the most severe cases, death. Timing is critical when reporting food borne illness. You should contact us if you either suspect or are able to confirm a food borne illness at (937) 472-0087. You can download our complaint form below, which must be submitted directly to the health department.