Environmental Health
The Environmental Health Division investigates health problems and environmental public health hazards, and enforces public health laws to protect the community.
Below you will find a list of our programs and services that give both a brief overview and an opportunity obtain further information including useful links, information, and downloadable forms.
Programs and Services

Food Safety Program
PCPH sanitarians are responsible for conducting plan reviews, complaint investigations and regular food safety assessments of food service operations and retail food establishments such as restaurants, grocery stores, school kitchens and caterers to assure food safety and prevent food-borne illness.
Click here to learn more about our food safety program.

Private Water Systems
Private water systems, including wells, cisterns, hauled water storage tanks, and ponds used for drinking water are regulated by the Ohio Private Water Systems Regulations (Ohio Administrative Code 3701-28). A permit must be issued by the health department prior to installing or altering a private water system. A private water system provides water to less than 25 people a day. This usually includes all homes and some small businesses. Systems that regularly serve an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days each year are regulated by the Ohio EPA.
Click here to learn more about how PCPH Private Water System Regulations.

Sewage Treatment Systems
PCPH works to prevent disease transmission and protect the quality of surface and ground water by performing inspections, enforcing sewage regulations, and providing education to homeowners.
Click here for more information on Sewage Treatment Systems

Public Bathing Areas - Pools, Spas, and Beaches
PCPH licenses and inspects public swimming pools, spas, spraygrounds and bathing beaches to ensure safe and sanitary conditions at these facilities.
Plumbing Program
The plumbing program is responsible for the oversight of the installation of plumbing systems in all areas of Preble County. Plumbing contractors and in limited cases, homeowners, may apply for permits to install plumbing systems in new or remodeled construction. The Plumbing Inspection Program registers all persons engaged in the business of plumbing within Preble County.
Plumbing permits must be obtained through the Preble County General Health District prior to the start of work. Plumbing contractors and contractor employees must register with the county in which they provide service.
Click here for Downloadable Plumbing Permits and Registration Forms

Housing Program
Public Health Nuisances are inspected upon receipt of a signed complaint form downloadable below. Public Health nuisances may include garbage and refuse complaints, housing problems, air quality issues, insect and rodent infestations, lead abatement and sewage system failures. Orders are issued to attain compliance. The health district does not itself correct public health nuisance violations. It is the responsibility of the property owner to correct any conditions which are creating a public health nuisance, or has the potential to create one.

Rabies Control
Ohio law requires that all animal bites be reported to the health department so that rabies testing or vaccination can be conducted if needed.
DOWNLOAD the animal bite form here.
Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year occur in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes.
Ohio law requires all dogs that bite someone be quarantined for 10 days after the bite; if they are healthy at the end of the 10 days they must have a current rabies vaccination prior to release from quarantine. Animal bites should be reported to PCPH at (937) 472-0087.

Campgrounds include resident camps, recreational vehicle (RV) parks, combined park-camps, and temporary campgrounds.
PCPH licenses camps, and inspects the operation and maintenance of these facilities in order to protect the public from injury, minimize the potential for disease transmission, and provide a safe and healthy recreational environment.
Ohio Campground Rules - Ohio Administrative Code 3701-26

Mosquito/Tick/Vector-Borne Disease Control
Mosquitoes and Ticks can carry diseases that are spread to man and animals. These diseases are sometimes fatal or can cause long term health issues.
During spring, fall, and summer PCPH actively traps and tests mosquitoes in coordination with the Ohio Department of Health's Mosquito/Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance Program. Click Here for more info.
For even more detailed information see the following links:
Ohio Department of Health Mosquito Page
Ohio Department of Health Tick Page
NEW 2016 Preble County Mosquito Report

Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are a public health pest. While bed bugs have not been shown to transmit disease, they do cause a variety of negative physical health, mental health and economic consequences.
Click Here for more information on Bed Bugs.

Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odorless gas that is harmlessly dispersed in outdoor air; but when trapped in buildings, can be harmful at elevated levels. The USEPA has determined that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., second to smoking. However, because you can’t see or smell radon, people tend to minimize the health effects and ignore the possibility it might exist in elevated levels in their homes.

Solid Waste
Preble County and the State of Ohio have regulations which require that solid waste, including garbage, appliances, furniture, yard waste, construction and demolition materials and tires be disposed of properly.

Tattoos and Body Piercing (Body Art)
PCPH regulates the operation and maintenance of body art facilities in order to protect the public from injury, minimize the potential for disease transmission, and provide a safe and healthy environment.
Body art in Ohio is regulated under the authority of Chapter 3730.01 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-9 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).

Ohio's Smoke-Free Workplace Act
Chapter 3794. of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) prohibits all forms of tobacco smoke in all public places and places of employment and in areas immediately adjacent to the ingress or egress of the public place or place of employment. While immediately adjacent is not yet defined, proprietors must assure smoke does not enter the area where smoking is prohibited through entrances, windows, ventilation systems or other means.
Report Violations: 1-866-559-OHIO, or NoSmoke@odh.ohio.gov

Manufactured Home Parks
Effective January 21, 2018, the authority for licensing and inspection of manufactured home parks in Ohio, the Ohio Manufactured Home Commission (OMHC), transferred to the Ohio Department of Commerce. PCPH will continue to inspect the parks under a contract agreement with OMHC; however, all complaints must be submitted to OMHC who may then elect to direct PCPH to perform an inspection.
Complaint Form (PDF)
Dispute Resolution Form (PDF)
Complaint Against a Dealer, Salesperson, or Broker Form (PDF)

Environmental Health Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Preble County Public Health plays an important role in the enforcement of public health related regulations, orders, rules and other types of public health laws. Public health laws are tools for PCPH AND our partner agencies within the county to promote and protect the health of the population. The Preble County Prosecutor's Office serves as the PCPH's Legal Counsel.

Regional Air Pollution Control Agency (CLICK HERE)
Regional Air Pollution Control Agency (RAPCA) is the air pollution agency serving the citizens of Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery and Preble counties. RAPCA enforces state and local air pollution regulations and operates an extensive network of air pollution monitors to measure ambient air quality. RAPCA is located in Dayton, Ohio and is a bureau of the Division of Environmental Health within Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County.
2019 Proposed Uniform System of Fees (Click Here)
Molds have the potential to cause health problems. They produce allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins). Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
At present, there are no federal or local regulatory methods or exposure limits for airborne fungal spores for indoor air quality in Ohio or the United States. Mold growth is always associated with wet or damp locations. The presence of mold indicates water is entering the structure through excessive condensation, a plumbing or structural leak or improper drainage.
For more information Click Here!