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STD Clinic


STD testing is available at the health department to anyone from age 13 and older. Pregnancy Tests are also available by appointment or during the STD clinics.


No parental consent is required for testing. There is no charge for an office visit. Most treatments are provided free of charge. Testing is done for HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhea. Other tests may be offered based on symptoms and other criteria. Treatment is available for genital warts, herpes outbreaks, chlamydia and gonorrhea infections, bacterial vaginosis, syphilis and trichimoniasis. Birth Control is not provided at the clinics. PAP tests are not provided at the clinics. Average visit will take from 1 - 1.5 hours to complete.


At this time, the Preble County Public Health does not offer HIV/AIDS testing. We anticipate reinstating this program in the future, so please continue to check the website for updated information.


For information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, symptoms, prevention and vaccines available click HERE.


The Ohio Department of Health HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program website: Click Here


Call (937) 472-0087 to schedule an appointment. 

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